

Most things you'd need for local development are covered in Makefile. Just run make help to see available commands:

➜  make help

  make <target>

  help             Display this help.

  fmt              Run go fmt against code.
  vet              Run go vet against code.
  test             Run tests.
  test-fswatch     Use fswatch to watch source files and run tests on chamnge

  run              Run codegen and start controller from your host.

  kubeserial-docker-local        Build image for local development, tag local, supports only builder platform
  kubeserial-docker-all          Build and push image for all target platforms
  device-monitor-docker-local    Build image for local development, tag local, supports only builder platform
  device-monitor-docker-all      Build and push image for all target platforms
  injector-webhook-docker-local  Build image for local development, tag local, supports only builder platform
  injector-webhook-docker-all    Build and push image for all target platforms

  update-kubeserial-chart-version       Update version used in chart. Requires VERSION var to be set
  update-kubeserial-crds-chart-version  Update version used in chart. Requires VERSION var to be set
  helm-lint                             Run chart-testing to lint kubeserial chart.


  minikube              Start local cluster, build image and deploy
  minikube-start        Start minikube cluster
  minikube-set-context  Set context to use minikube cluster
  minikube-deploy       Deploy the app to local minikube

  uninstall        Uninstall release.
  deploy-dev       Install dev release in current context/namespace.

  docs-deps        Install mdbook (requires rust and cargo) + plugins
  docs-serve       Build docs, start server and open in browser

  kubeserial        Build manager binary.
  device-monitor    Build device monitor binary
  injector-webhook  Build sidecar injector webhook binary binary
  all               Run codegen and build all components.

Running tests

After any change run

$ make test

to run tests suite

You can also find it helpful to just run tests every time there is a change in project source files, for this run

$ make test-fswatch

which will run test target every time it detects change using fswatch (fswatch must be installed)

Building images

There are sets of 2 targets for each image that is a part of this project:


which builds docker image for local development



which builds docker image for all target architectures.

For local development you'll only need to build local images

Building images localy

Docker buildx builder with support for platforms listed in TARGET_PLATFORMS is required

If you want to build all images using your local Docker, run

$ make docker-local 

This will execute all *-docker-local targets and build images using your local Docker.

Running minikube